In this animated kids series, a tiger penguin named maurice leads a diverse, comical team of. To the rescue 2011 all 1 season kids tv in this animated kids series, a tiger penguin named maurice leads a diverse, comical team of creatures in protecting their jungle home. Awardwinning actor and new york times bestselling childrens book author john lithgow voices the character of maurice in the jungle bunch, debuting on dvd at walmart and digital download on may. The jungle bunch to the rescue the jungle bunch wiki fandom. Every day someone will ask for the small crews helpto the rescue. Ping and pong make a journey to ask maurice the great tiger warrior to help them save their village from some mean walruses.
The series is about maurice, a penguin that thinks he is a tiger, and his misfit friends. This is a list containing the episodes of the french animated television series, the jungle bunch. The jungle bunch maurice shows his stripes own it may. The jungle bunch to the rescue season 2 trailer on vimeo. This bunch embodying justice and hope in a world where other animals are facing insurmountable problems, threats or dangers, is coming back for a 2 nd season. Season 2 2015 2016 this season was released in france on november 2, 2015.
In the heart of the jungle lives a team of amazing animals. The series 1st season premiered on december 29, 20 in france and the second season aired on november 2, 2015. Professor ernest, a kiwi, comes to the jungle bunch because the earth tremor which has just occurred has opened up a large crack right in the middle of his village. Maurice, the penguintiger, best known as the big warrior tiger is always ready to lead the rest of the bunch in a new adventure. Featuring the voice of john lithgow, the jungle bunch is the exciting tale of a penguin who thinks hes a tiger and a misfit team of friends who embark on a fun adventure to save the day. Watch the jungle bunch to the rescue new season tvnz. The jungle bunch maurice is asked to save the village own it.
The jungle bunch, debuting on dvd at walmart and digital download on. The team embodies justice in a world in which other animals are subjected to threats, dangers. Almost every day someone calls for the jungle bunch. This is the season of new challenges and risks of facing their greatest enemies. But igor, an evil koala, wants to destroy the jungle once and for all, helped by his army of silly baboons. Grand jury prize best short for the tv special the. They are the justice or the solution in a world where the animals are subjected to threats, dangers or overwhelming problems. To the rescue 2011 all 1 season talkinganimal kids tv in this animated kids series, a tiger penguin named maurice leads a diverse, comical team of creatures in protecting their jungle home. Together they set out on a mission to save the penguins home and end. The jungle bunch to the rescue season 3 tat productions. Inside of the jungle, if theres a problem or an injustice to fix, no worry. Watch the jungle bunch streaming online hulu free trial. The jungle bunch to the rescue is a french cgi animated television series.
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